**Alt Text:** "Autumn in Verbier with snow-covered mountain tops, showcasing a beautiful contrast of fall foliage and early winter snow in the Swiss Alps."

Winter 24/25 Snow Forecast for Verbier | Ski Lessons with Roddy

**Alt Text:** "Autumn in Verbier with snow-covered mountain tops, showcasing a beautiful contrast of fall foliage and early winter snow in the Swiss Alps."

Winter 24/25 Snow Forecast for Verbier: Bottomless Powder Incoming!

The days are getting shorter, and it’s time to look ahead to what the 24/25 winter has in store for Verbier. Spoiler alert: it’s going to be *big*. But this isn’t your standard snow forecast – we’re digging into the quirky signs and chaotic weather patterns that point to one epic season.

Cooler Atlantic, Warmer Mediterranean, and Pure Chaos

This year, the Atlantic is cooler than usual, while the Mediterranean is heating up. These clashing forces create a stormy, unpredictable dance in the atmosphere. Chaos is brewing, but as every skier knows: out of chaos comes the magic. And Verbier is right in the crosshairs of that perfect storm. Expect the unexpected—and lots of snow!

Calling It: Bottomless Powder

We’re predicting it now: snow so deep and fluffy, you’ll wonder if your skis even touch the ground. Mark December 7th as the day Verbier gets hit with its first mega-dump, the kind that sets the tone for an unforgettable season. The local ibex are restless, and even the cows are louder this year—it’s all adding up!

Nature’s Clues: Insects and Swimming Trout

Massive insects and trout swimming in circles? In Verbier, we take these as surefire signs of an epic winter ahead. Call it superstition, call it intuition, but when nature speaks, we listen—and it’s saying we’re in for bottomless powder.

Roddy’s Optimism: The Best is Always Yet to Come

Roddy’s forecast is simple: *optimism*. Verbier always delivers, no matter the weather. So, pack your gear, prep for deep snow, and get ready for the season of a lifetime.

Got your own snow prediction? Share it with us, and we might feature it! Until then, we’ll see you on the slopes.

"ICON Ski logo representing Verbier’s top collective of independent ski instructors

Verbier’s Best Kept Secret: Meet ICON Ski Instructors

ICON Ski: Discover Verbier’s Best Independent Ski Instructors

When it comes to skiing in Verbier, there’s no shortage of breath-taking terrain, but what truly sets this resort apart is its expert guidance on the slopes. Enter ICON, a collective of the best independent ski instructors in Verbier, offering a personalised skiing experience like no other. If you’re serious about taking your skills to the next level or simply want to discover Verbier’s hidden off-piste gems, ICON should be your go-to.

Elevate Your Skiing with ICON’s Expert Team

ICON is not just a group of instructors—it’s a carefully curated team of elite professionals who know these mountains inside out. Whether you’re a first-timer on skis or a seasoned powder hound looking for the next thrill, the experts at ICON tailor every session to your skill level, goals, and preferences. With their deep local knowledge, they’ll show you the spots only the insiders know, making every run feel like an adventure.

Why Choose ICON for Your Verbier Ski Experience?

Verbier is known for its challenging terrain, and with ICON by your side, you’ll be skiing with the confidence of someone who knows these slopes like a pro. So, if you’re ready to elevate your skiing experience this winter, book your session with ICON Ski—and discover why they’re the best in the business.


Roddy Willis Verbier Ski instructor

Easter Snow Verbier 2024


The time is 9.31 am on the 28th of March 2024 and it is snowing in Verbier.


Verbier Powder Snow

Verbier Ski Report December 9th 2023

The Verbier winter ski season opening week has been EPIC.  The clever guys at TeleVerbier have been busy over the summer converting the Medran ski lifts into a time machine. TeleVerbier is no longer just a ski lift company, they are also master of the universe and have taken Verbier back to the 1980s. Climate change and reduced snowfall are something in the distant future and we are living the ski bum dream of powder and empty mountains. We have snow capped mountains and epic conditions on and off the piste. With a snow depth from the 1980s and more snow on the way Verbier has not looked this good this early in the ski season for a long time. If you’ve got this far then it is time to book some skiing and ski lessons in Verbier.

Snow Covered Savoleyres Verbier

Verbier Snow Prediction Winter 23 – 24

Snow Covered Savoleyres Verbier

Over the past 15 years, each autumn I have written a blog predicting the biggest winter snow fall ever for the coming winter ski season in Verbier. And over the last few years my predictions have been wildly wrong, climate change and other events have led to a reduction in snow falls across the Alpes. This is the first autumn I have been remiss and not bothered to post my optimistic snow predictions. I had had thoughts of a Polar Vortex shifting due to the biggest recorded El Nino events in the Pacific Ocean, a massive abondance of blackberries in my garden this autumn and not forgetting some huge spiders in the chalet, all the signs were there. However, I didn’t find the time to write my prediction and post it. Well… the start of winter has arrived; it is cold, and it has snowed loads, and more is coming in the next weeks. If only I had written my prediction earlier, I would have been correct in my prediction. Here is to an epic winter ski season in Verbier.

Master Moguls: Ski Like a Pro in 6 Steps

Skiing moguls can be challenging, but with practice and some tips, you can improve your skills and enjoy this type of skiing. Here are some steps to follow:

  1. Start with the basics: Before attempting moguls, make sure you have the basic skiing skills sorted, such as, posture, parallel skiing and controlling your speed and line.
  2. Choose the right terrain: Look for a mogul run that matches your skill level. If you’re a beginner, start with small moguls and work your way up to steeper, larger ones.
  3. Learn the proper technique: To ski moguls, you need to learn to absorb the bumps with your legs and keep your upper body stable. Keep your knees and ankles flexed and use a rhythmic up-and-down motion to absorb the bumps.
  4. Stay balanced: Keep your weight centered over your skis and avoid leaning back, which can cause you to lose control.
  5. Control your speed: Don’t rush down the mogul run. Instead, focus on maintaining a consistent speed and using your turns to control your descent.
  6. Practice, practice, practice: Like any skill, skiing moguls takes practice. Keep at it, and you’ll improve.

Get lessons: Consider taking lessons from a qualified ski instructor who can help you refine your technique and give you personalized feedback.

Remember, skiing moguls can be challenging, but it’s also a lot of fun. With some practice and the right approach, you can become a skilled mogul skier.

Snow is coming to town

Snow is coming to town (Verbier)

Snow is coming to town

Snow is coming next week.

Brace yourselves, Verbier is set to experience a massive dump of snow this weekend! Temperatures will drop significantly and the freezing level down to 450m. We’ve been waiting patiently for some fresh powder – it looks like our patience may be rewarded with 21cm on Sunday at mid height (2415m) and 12 cm on Monday. If that wasn’t enough there might even be another wave coming through Wednesday so get ready for an awesome week ahead in Verbier’s snowy paradise!

When Can We Expect Snow in Verbier?


So far this winter, ski enthusiasts have been treated to a little bit of snow and a whole lot of rain in Verbier. As frustrating as it may be, what goes up must come down—and when it comes to winter weather in the Swiss Alps, that goes double! So, when can we expect to see some real snow start falling in Verbier? Let’s take a closer look at the forecast.

January 9th Snow Forecast

What the Forecast Says

It looks like we will finally get the snow that we’ve been waiting for soon! The current forecast for Verbier is for snow starting over the coming weekend. Temperatures are expected to gradually drop over the course of this week before dropping below zero on Saturday. This means that by next week we should start seeing some snowfall. The skiing conditions will remain good throughout the rest of January as long as temperatures stay low.

And to sum it up

Verbier has been patiently waiting for some real snowfall this winter season—and it looks like Mother Nature will finally grant us our wish soon! With temperatures dropping and forecasts predicting snow this weekend, now is an excellent time to make sure all your gear is prepped and ready for those fresh powder turns. Happy powder skiing next week.

Verbier Snow Prediction Winter 22-23

Verbier Snow Prediction Winter 22-23

Snowberries have arrived in Verbier.

Verbier Extreme Weather

Those that know me well, will know I always find reasons to predict the biggest winter ever is coming to Verbier. And why should this year be any different! It is going to be massive, more epic powder days than you can shake a ski pole at! And this is my hypothesis:

We have had a summer of extreme hot and dry weather across the northern hemisphere. So far 2022 has been the hottest summer and driest summer ever recorded. With so little rain, it leads me to wonder: Where has all the water gone? The water can’t just disappear. Does it rain more in other areas or later in the year?

At school we learned about the water and weather cycles. The water is out there somewhere in the global weather system. Surely, at some point the water will have to reappear to balance out the extreme dry summer!

And if I am correct, that can only mean, when the autumn and winter temperatures drop the water will reappear in conversely extreme quantities. This winter will be extreme with plenty of snow to balance out the lack of water this summer.

And there are signs in nature that this winter will bring a snowy skiing paradise to Verbier. If you have read my previous Smart Snow Forecasting Techniques blog you’ll know about ‘berries’. And this year the hedge rows are loaded with berries!

Let’s hope Vlad’s war in the east doesn’t bring power cuts that stop the ski lifts running! But we can always walk up to get those powder turns. Either way I can help you with your skiing dreams! Unlike this blog, I promise not to talk utter nonsense!

Get Powder Done

Powder For The Few!



Powder For The Few

#GetPowderDone I’ve woken up in the middle of the night to the reassuring noise of snowploughs clearing the streets. It would appear the more you say it the more people believe it and the more you believe it the more it becomes your reality #getpowderdone At this moment it is shedding it down in Bruson at 1050 meters. And it looks like it is going to dump all day. And if I may I’d just like to finish on this last point. #getpowderdone it is going to be stonking super light and deep oven ready by the end of the day #getpowderdone

What a week we have had this week! Next week the holiday season starts and will bring ‘the many’ and we’ll have to share the great snow we currently have with ‘the many’. If you think you don’t want to share the snow with the many then maybe book some time with me!